Hello I am using elfinder in my laravel application. I am not able to disable delete option from elfinder. Any help is hugely appreciated.
Here is my config file:
return array(
'dir' => ['assets/uploads/news_upload'],
'disks' => [
'route' => [
'prefix' => 'elfinder',
'middleware' => array('web', 'auth'), //Set to null to disable middleware filter
'access' => 'Barryvdh\Elfinder\Elfinder::checkAccess',
'roots' => null,
'options' => array(),
'root_options' => array(
I am not able to disable delete option.
I got the solution after 3 hour of research. And yes it is so simple, just put this code in your config file. Hope this answer will help somebody some day.
'root_options' => array(
'defaults' => array('read' => true, 'write' => true,'locked'=>true),