googling I gound that this error is shown when windows can't run a .bat
I'm getting this when I'm running roo
comand in my workspace.
OS -> windows 7, 32 bits jdk -> jdk1.6.0_22 roo -> spring-roo-1.1.0.RELEASE
The hole error message is:
ERROR: Unable to create system bundle directory.
ERROR: org.apache.felix.framework.cache.BundleArchive: Unable to create archive directory.
Repeated hundreds of times.
I followed all these steps, but anyway I'm getting the error. Does anybody know why??
I read another similar problem, which was solved moving from OpenJDK to JDK 1.6. But I have already JDK 1.6
Thanks in advance
I had the same problem. I did not have the aprropiate rights to the installation folder of roo. Then I changed my rights and everything worked fine.