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MS SQL to Oracle linked server. Invalid metadata for column

I have a requirement to replicate data from a MS SQL (AWS EC2) table to an Oracle (AWS RDS) instance. After several failed approaches, I decided to create a Linked Server in SQL to the Ora database and insert new data on a trigger event. So far, so good.

Now I am attempting to insert data into a single Oracle table from an [identical] SQL table, but receive the following error

"The OLE DB provider "OraOLEDB.Oracle" for linked server "desora12" supplied invalid metadata for column "CREATE_DATE". The data type is not supported."

I've tried taking CREATE_DATE out of the insert statement, but receive the same error. I also tried casting and converting the CreateDate in the select statement. Same error.

The CREATE_DATE column type in Oracle is TIMESTAMP(6). The corresponding CreateDate column type in SQL is nullable DateTime

There are 31 columns in the table, here is an abridged version of the insert.

    FROM API.ItemDataTypeID1Label
      WHERE TransferDate is null
      AND TransferStatus is null
      AND ReturnStatus=200

Any help?


  • I always do "pulls" to transfer data, rather than a "push" like you are doing. Pulls ensure that you aren't harming a production database when refreshing a development or test database. As far as the dates go, I struggled with the date type between Oracle and SQL Server. I eventually converted my Oracle date to text (remember I am pulling) and allowed SQL Server to automatically convert the text to date. You can see this in my call to bindvar below where I convert the Oracle date to a string.

    If you are pulling from Oracle, look into DBMS_HS_PASSTHROUGH. It is many times faster than selecting through a database link. I am fetching 2 million records at a time, my run time went from 4 1/2 hours to under 5 minutes.

       PROCEDURE bindvar (
            p_cursor   IN INTEGER
          , p_pos      IN INTEGER
          , p_value    IN VARCHAR2
            l_routine   CONSTANT oracleobj_t := 'bindvar';
   (p_cursor, p_pos, p_value);
            WHEN OTHERS
                make_log_error_entry (
                    p_routine => l_routine
                  , p_message => cealogging.activity_log_maintenance_pkg.labels (
                                  , p_cursor
                                  , 'p_pos'
                                  , p_pos
                                  , 'p_value'
                                  , p_value
     -- ***********************************************************************
        --  Fetch Interval Data
        --  Purpose:
        --    Retrieve interval data from SQL*Server
        --  Arguments:
        --    p_earliestintervaldate - earliest interval date from which data will be fetched
        --    p_latestintervaldate   - latest   interval date from which data will be fetched
        --    p_earliestlogtime      - earliest log date for which data will be fetched
        --    p_latestlogtime        - latest   log date for which data will be fetched
        --    p_maxrecords   - maximum records to fetch from SQL Server
          -- ***********************************************************************
        FUNCTION fetch_intervaldata (
            p_earliestintervaldate   IN DATE
          , p_latestintervaldate     IN DATE
          , p_earliestlogdate        IN DATE
          , p_latestlogdate          IN DATE
          , p_meterno                IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
          , p_maxrecords             IN INTEGER DEFAULT NULL
            l_routine   CONSTANT oracleobj_t := 'fetch_intervaldata';
            l_format    CONSTANT oracleobj_t := 'YYYYMMDD HH24:MI:SS';
            l_cnt                PLS_INTEGER;
            l_cursor             INTEGER;
            l_earliestlogdate    DATE := p_earliestlogdate;
            l_numrows            INTEGER;
            l_row                intervaldata_load%ROWTYPE;
            l_ret                PLS_INTEGER := 0;
            l_sql                VARCHAR2 (200)
                := ';select  * from  cea.fetchCisIntervalData(  ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) where interval_read is not null';
            l_latestlogtimearg   DATE;
            close_databaselink (p_link => 'INTERVALDATA.WORLD');
            EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'truncate table intervaldata_load';
            -- set l_cnt = 1 to allow the first pass to run
            -- thereafter it is the number or records returned by the pass that will
            -- be tested for continuation
            l_cnt   := 1;
            WHILE  l_earliestlogdate <= p_latestlogdate
              AND l_cnt > 0
              AND (p_maxrecords IS NULL
                OR l_ret < p_maxrecords)
                make_log_entry (
                    p_routine => l_routine
                  , p_message => 'processing starting for ' || TO_CHAR (l_earliestlogdate, c_intervaldateformat)
                l_cursor            :=;
       (l_cursor, l_sql);
                bindvar (p_cursor => l_cursor, p_pos => 1, p_value => TO_CHAR (l_earliestlogdate, l_format));
                bindvar (
                    p_cursor => l_cursor
                  , p_pos    => 2
                  , p_value  => TO_CHAR (l_earliestlogdate + INTERVAL '6' HOUR - INTERVAL '1' SECOND, l_format)
                bindvar (p_cursor => l_cursor, p_pos => 3, p_value => TO_CHAR (p_earliestintervaldate, l_format));
                bindvar (p_cursor => l_cursor, p_pos => 4, p_value => TO_CHAR (p_latestintervaldate, l_format));
                bindvar (p_cursor => l_cursor, p_pos => 5, p_value => p_meterno);
                l_cnt               := 0;
                    l_numrows   := (l_cursor);
                    EXIT WHEN l_numrows = 0
                           OR (p_maxrecords IS NOT NULL
                           AND l_ret >= p_maxrecords);
                    DBMS_HS_PASSTHROUGH.get_value@intervaldata (l_cursor, 1, l_row.meterno);
                    DBMS_HS_PASSTHROUGH.get_value@intervaldata (l_cursor, 2, l_row.interval_start);
                    DBMS_HS_PASSTHROUGH.get_value@intervaldata (l_cursor, 3, l_row.endpointid);
                    DBMS_HS_PASSTHROUGH.get_value@intervaldata (l_cursor, 4, l_row.logtime);
                    DBMS_HS_PASSTHROUGH.get_value@intervaldata (l_cursor, 5, l_row.interval_read);
                    DBMS_HS_PASSTHROUGH.get_value@intervaldata (l_cursor, 6, l_row.buy_back);
                    DBMS_HS_PASSTHROUGH.get_value@intervaldata (l_cursor, 7, l_row.phase_a);
                    DBMS_HS_PASSTHROUGH.get_value@intervaldata (l_cursor, 8, l_row.phase_b);
                    DBMS_HS_PASSTHROUGH.get_value@intervaldata (l_cursor, 9, l_row.phase_b);
                    EXIT WHEN l_row.logtime > p_latestlogdate;
                    INSERT INTO intervaldata_load
                    VALUES l_row;
                    l_cnt       := l_cnt + 1;
                    l_ret       := l_ret + 1;
                END LOOP;
                make_log_entry (
                    p_routine => l_routine
                  , p_message =>    LPAD (l_cnt, 10)
                                 || ' records retrieved for '
                                 || TO_CHAR (l_earliestlogdate, c_intervaldateformat)
                                 || ' to '
                                 || TO_CHAR (l_earliestlogdate + INTERVAL '6' HOUR, c_intervaldateformat)
                l_earliestlogdate   := l_earliestlogdate + INTERVAL '6' HOUR;
            END LOOP;
            RETURN l_ret;
            WHEN OTHERS
                make_log_error_entry (
                    p_routine => l_routine
                  , p_message => 'processing ' || TO_CHAR (l_earliestlogdate, l_format)
        END fetch_intervaldata;