How to calculate percentage dynamically in SQL?
Let's say you have a following table called Classes
ClassSession StudentName
Evening Ben
Morning Chris
Afternoon Roger
Evening Ben
Afternoon Ben
Morning Roger
Morning Ben
Afternoon Chris
Let's say for Ben
, I am expecting
Evening = 50 %
Afternoon = 25%
Morning = 25%
for Chris I am expecting
Morning = 50%
Afternoon = 50%
Evening = 0 %
so ClassSession
(three sessions) should be constant for comparison
So far I have tried the following SQL statements:
(Count(ClassSession) * 100 / (Select Count(*) From Classes)) as Percentage
StudentName = 'Chris'
Group By
One method uses conditional aggregation and window functions:
Select ClassSession,
(sum(case when StudentName = 'Chris' then 100.0 else 0 end) /
sum(sum(case when StudentName = 'Chris' then 100.0 else 0 end)) over ()
) as Percentage
From Classes
Group By ClassSession;
This will ensure that event the zeros show up.