I am writing a macro that takes a declaration as its single argument. Is it possible to deduce the type of the declaration inside the macro without splitting up the single argument into separate type and identifier arguments?
#define M(declaration) \
declaration; \
static_assert(sizeof(/* deduce type of 'declaration' */) == 4, "!")
M(int i);
M(double d{3.14});
M(std::string s{"Hello, world!"});
The following implementation would work but it feels less user-friendly (imo):
#define M(type, identifier) \
type identifier; \
static_assert(sizeof(type) == 4, "!")
M(int, i);
M(double, d{3.14});
M(std::string, s{"Hello, world!"});
If possible, I would prefer to take the declaration as a single argument.
Related question: Macro to get the type of an expression; but I failed to get that code to work in my example (compiler error: expected nested-name-specifier).
If your static assertion message is really that simple "!"
1, I suggest you ditch the preprocessor. Make the type system work for you instead:
namespace detail {
template<typename T>
struct check_declared_type {
using type = T;
static_assert(sizeof(type) == 4, "!");
template<typename T>
using M = typename detail::check_declared_type<T>::type;
// .. Later
int main() {
M<int> i;
M<double> d{3.14};
M<std::string> s{"Hello, world!"};
1 - Specifically, if you don't need the preprocessor to stringify anything for you.