As of today, there's no native support for FloatingActionButton on Appcelerator Titanium yet, so I was wondering which is the best way to emulate it.
I want to create a FloatingActionButton like this one:
I tried different approaches but none of them seem to be 100% accurate.
I've seen that there's a couple of modules on GitHub, but one of them does not accept icons or at least I don't know how to use them ( and the other one requires me to enable Hyperloop and disable LiveView (, which will slow down compilation times and thus making me waste a lot of time.
I also tried creating a circular view with an ImageView inside it, but it's not showing correctly, the backgroundColor is not covering all the View:
My code looks like this:
<View id="locateView">
<ImageView id="locateUser" touchEnabled="false" />
// This is half of 32dp
Alloy.Globals.borderRadiusFAB = ( parseInt("32dp") * (Titanium.Platform.displayCaps.dpi / 160));
"#locateView" : {
bottom: "12dp",
right: "12dp",
height: "48dp",
width: "48dp",
borderRadius : Alloy.Globals.borderRadiusFAB,
backgroundColor: '#80FFFFFF',
touchFeedback: true,
touchFeedbackColor: "#808080",
elevation: 10
"#locateUser" : {
height: "32dp",
width: "32dp",
image : "/icons/my_location.png"
I am using Titanium SDK 6.2.0.
I think the only issue is in using the ImageView which seems to have some background color. There are multiple ways to create this button, but here is a sample app which creates almost 99% similar FAB button.
It contains a sample source code of how you can create better FAB buttons for iOS & Android using single code-base. It also contains a Material Font file which shows how you can use Fonts to create vector image/icons instead of ImageView.
Here's the link to read more about using Labels in places of ImageView.
This sample code will create icons like below: