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ROracle bind range of dates

I want to send to oracle via ROracle query with bind parameters which inculde range of dates for a date column.

I try to run :

idsample <- 123
strdate <- "TO_DATE('01/02/2017','DD/MM/YYYY')"
enddate <- "TO_DATE('01/05/2017','DD/MM/YYYY')"

res <- dbGetQuery(myconn,"SELECT * FROM MYTABLE WHERE MYID = :1 AND MYDATE BETWEEN :2 AND :3", data=data.frame(MYID =idsample , MYDATE=c(strdate,enddate )))

but I get error :

"bind data does not match bind specification"


  • I could find no documentation which covers using more than one positional parameter, but if one parameter corresponds to a single column of a data frame, then by this logic three parameters should correspond to three columns:

    idsample <- 123
    strdate <- "TO_DATE('01/02/2017', 'DD/MM/YYYY')"
    enddate <- "TO_DATE('01/05/2017', 'DD/MM/YYYY')"
    res <- dbGetQuery(myconn,
                      paste0("SELECT * FROM MYTABLE WHERE MYID = :1 AND ",
                             "MYDATE BETWEEN TO_DATE(:2, 'DD/MM/YYYY') AND TO_DATE(:3, 'DD/MM/YYYY')"),
                       data=data.frame(idsample, strdate, enddate))

    Note that there is nothing special about strdate and enddate from the point of view of the API, such that they should be passed as vector.


    The problem with making TO_DATE a parameter is that it will probably end up being escaped as a string. In other words, with my first approach you would end up with the following in your WHERE clause:

        'TO_DATE('01/02/2017','DD/MM/YYYY')' AND 'TO_DATE('01/05/2017','DD/MM/YYYY')'

    In other words, the TO_DATE function calls ends up being a string. Instead, bind the date strings only.