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CookieError: Illegal Key

I'm writing a web crawler in aiohttp and experiencing a problem with cookies. Server I'm trying to crawl requires authentication and in order to fetch pages available to authenticated users I need to set a cookie with brackets in the key itself. This is a problem as aiohttp.ClientSession.cookie_jar.update_cookies either ignores any illegal cookies:

session = ClientSession()
cookie = SimpleCookie("a[b]=1234;")
print([f for f in session.cookie_jar])  # empty list, cookie not set

or raises a CookieError:

session = ClientSession()
cookie = SimpleCookie()
cookie["a[b]"] = "1234"  # http.cookies.CookieError: Illegal key 'a[b]'
print([f for f in session.cookie_jar])

session = ClientSession()
session.cookie_jar.update_cookies([("a[b]", "1234")])  # http.cookies.CookieError: Illegal key 'a[b]'
print([f for f in session.cookie_jar])

It is possible to force setting the cookie by accessing http.cookies.Morsel's protected member _key, i.e.

session = ClientSession()
session.cookie_jar.update_cookies([("__tmp", "1234")])
for cookie in session.cookie_jar:
    if cookie.key == "__tmp":
        cookie._key = "a[b]"
print([f for f in session.cookie_jar])  # invalid cookie is set correctly

but this only pushes the problem one step back, as any session request e.g. session.get(url)starts raising http.cookies.CookieError.

I cannot get around sending this cookie. Am I stuck using non async libraries like requests or is there a way to ignore this issue?


  • I found a workaround, and while I dislike using it, it was preferred solution over rewriting entire aiohttp:

    import sys
    if "http" in sys.modules:
        raise ImportError("Crawler must be imported before http module")
    import http.cookies
    http.cookies._is_legal_key = lambda _: True