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Rotate image on lightbox2 load

I would like to detect EXIF rotation information when lightbox shows an image and apply CSS for rotation.

I use thumbnails with img src attribute value of base64 encoded image data (I use no href attribute for link to original image)

I do not have the option to use server-side code.

It would be best if it happened just before render. Are there any events in lightbox2 like onPreShow or onLoad ?


  • I had to modify the preloader.onload handler inside the Lightbox.prototype.changeImage function.

    I added the orientation detection code before this code:


    imgHeight and imgWidth are swapped and css is added in my code if image orientation is landscape.

          $preloader = $(preloader);
          var imgHeight = preloader.height;
          var imgWidth = preloader.width;
          EXIF.getData(preloader, function() {
              var rotation = EXIF.getTag(this, "Orientation");
              if (rotation == 6 || rotation == 8) {
                  var css = exif2css(rotation);
                  if (css.transform) {
                      $image[0].style.transform = css.transform;
                  if (css['transform-origin']) {
                      $image[0].style['transform-origin'] = css['transform-origin'];
                  var tmp = imgHeight;
                  imgHeight = imgWidth;
                  imgWidth = tmp;
              } else {
                  //clear css
                  $image[0].style.transform = "";
                  $image[0].style['transform-origin'] = "";
              if (self.options.fitImagesInViewport) {