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Processing block parameter with word types in red / rebol

When calling:

f [(h test) (h test2)]

I want to get:


Instead I get:


I can't see why my code below doesn't work. Note that I want to use g function below because I have several h like functions, g is called by each of them to factorize them. So don't get rid off g, it's on purpose.

html: copy ""
emit: func [code] [repend html code] 

f: func [param [block!]] [
    html: copy ""
    emit: func [code] [repend html code]  
    emit <p>
    foreach p param [
        emit p
    emit </p>
    return html

g: func ['arg [string! word!] /local html] [  
    return h :arg

h: func ['arg [string! word!]] [
    either word? arg [
        text: to-string arg
        text: arg

    html: copy ""
    emit: func [code] [repend html code]  

    print text
    emit <h1>
    emit text
    emit </h1>
    return html

f [(h test) (h test2)]


Now I get error in red: Script Error: html is not in the specified context

  f: func[param [block!] /local html][
      html: copy ""
      emit: func [code] [repend html code]  
      emit <p>
      foreach p param [
          emit p
      emit </p>
      return html

  g: func['arg [string! word!] /local html][  
    return h :arg

  h: func['arg [string! word!] /local html][

      either word? arg [text: to-string arg][
        text: arg

      html: copy ""
      emit: func [code] [repend html code]  

      print text
      emit <h1>
      emit text
      emit </h1>

      return html


  f [(h test) (h test2)]


  • Ok, here a slightly optimized version for Red and Rebol without funct or function

    emit: func [code html] [repend html code]  
    f: func[param [block!] /local html][
        html: copy ""
        emit <p> html
        foreach p param [
            emit p html
        emit </p> html
        return html
    g: func['arg [string! word!] l][  
        return h :arg
    h: func['arg [string! word!] /local html text][
        either word? arg [text: to-string arg][
           text: arg
        html: copy ""
        print text
        emit <h1> html
        emit text html
        emit </h1> html
        return html
    >>f [ [h test]   [h test2]]
    == "<p><h1>test</h1><h1>test2</h1></p>"