I have succesfully retrieved the CVM List from EMV card.
0000 0000 0000 0000 4103 4203 1E03 1F02
From the EMV specification book 3, the first 4 bytes and second 4 bytes are amount and rest is CV rules. Making these the CV Rule 4103 4203 1E03 1F02
The book also shows how to parse the CV rules, as shown below:
I am assuming that I need to convert the first two bytes in a CV rule to binary and match with the table above? But why does the table above have empty cells? Also can someone explain in a simple pseudo code algorithm to parse this?
Have you referred section 10.5.5 CVM Processing Logic in the same book ? It has it detailed and even as a flow cart.
As to the empty bits read as RFU.
This is how your sample is parsed.
41 03 41 => 0100 0001 Apply succeeding CV Rule if this CVM is unsuccessful Plaintext PIN verification performed by ICC 03 If terminal supports the CVM --------------------------------------------------- Similarly, 42 03 42 Apply succeeding CV Rule if thisCVM is unsuccessful Enciphered PIN verified online 03 If terminal supports the CVM ---------------------------------------------------- 1E03 1E Signature (paper) 03 If terminal supports the CVM ---------------------------------------------------- 1F 02 1F No CVM required 02 If not unattended cash and not manual cash and not purchase with cashback