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Parse CV Rule from CVM List for EMV

I have succesfully retrieved the CVM List from EMV card.

0000 0000 0000 0000 4103 4203 1E03 1F02

From the EMV specification book 3, the first 4 bytes and second 4 bytes are amount and rest is CV rules. Making these the CV Rule 4103 4203 1E03 1F02

The book also shows how to parse the CV rules, as shown below: enter image description here

I am assuming that I need to convert the first two bytes in a CV rule to binary and match with the table above? But why does the table above have empty cells? Also can someone explain in a simple pseudo code algorithm to parse this?


  • Have you referred section 10.5.5 CVM Processing Logic in the same book ? It has it detailed and even as a flow cart.

    As to the empty bits read as RFU.

    This is how your sample is parsed.

    41 03
    41 => 0100 0001
    Apply succeeding CV Rule if this CVM is unsuccessful
    Plaintext PIN verification performed by ICC
    If terminal supports the CVM
    42 03
    Apply succeeding CV Rule if thisCVM is unsuccessful
    Enciphered PIN verified online
    If terminal supports the CVM
    Signature (paper)
    If terminal supports the CVM
    1F 02
    No CVM required
    If not unattended cash and not manual cash and not purchase
    with cashback