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How to specify Region Name when create OpenStack client instance with Python API

I was able to use keyword RegionName to specify Region Name when create OpenStack client instance with Python API. It is like:

novaclient.Client(Version, User, Password, Project_ID, Auth_URL, RegionName='RegionName')

But in the latest version OpenStack, I got error message:

TypeError: init() got an unexpected keyword argument 'RegionName'

I had to remove RegionName parameter:

novaclient.Client(Version, User, Password, Project_ID, Auth_URL)

But I do not know where to specify Region Name in my Python program. From OpenStack official document, I cannot find any information about setting Region Name. Either with credential or keystoneauth session, no way to specify Region Name. Same to other OpenStack clients.

My question is how I can specify Region Name when create OpenStack client instance with Python API? Appreciate your answer!


  • You need to pass region_name as keyword argument to mention region while creating nova client.

    novaclient.Client(Version, User, Password, Project_ID, Auth_URL, region_name='Region1')

    Here is source reference for Nova Client class,