I am trying to see my job in the web ui.
I use createLocalEnvironmentWithWebUI, code is running well in IDE, but impossible to see my job in http://localhost:8081/#/overview
val conf: Configuration = new Configuration()
import org.apache.flink.configuration.ConfigConstants
conf.setBoolean(ConfigConstants.LOCAL_START_WEBSERVER, true)
val env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.createLocalEnvironmentWithWebUI(conf)
val rides = env.addSource(
new TaxiRideSource("nycTaxiRides.gz", 1,100))//60, 600))
val filteredRides = rides
.filter(r => GeoUtils.isInNYC(r.startLon, r.startLat) && GeoUtils.isInNYC(r.endLon, r.endLat))
.map(r => (r.passengerCnt, 1))
.map(r => (r._1.toString+"test", r._2))
env.execute("Taxi Ride Cleansing")
Did I need to setup something else?
I was able to start the Flink webui from IntelliJ by adding flink-runtime-web to the dependencies for my project. I did this by adding this to my pom.xml file:
You also then need to create a local execution environment that includes the WebUI:
Configuration conf = new Configuration();
env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.createLocalEnvironmentWithWebUI(conf);