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Access response JSON array from XMLHttpRequest

I have a problem. I'm sending file via AJAX (XMLHttpRequest). Anyways. PHP function is returning a response array encoded to JSON. I can catch array in JavaScript but i can't access to specified key in array.

Here is the console log of this array:


I have my JavaScript file:

$('input[name=zdjecie]').on("change",function() {
    var inputfile = document.querySelector('#file');
    var file = inputfile.files[0];


    var formData = new FormData();
    var request = new XMLHttpRequest();

    request.upload.addEventListener('progress', function(e){
        var pro = Math.round(e.loaded/ * 100);
        if(pro == 100) {
            $('#upload_progress').css({'width':pro+'%', background:'#00A65A'});        
        else {
            $('#upload_progress').css({'width':pro+'%', background:'#3C8DBC'});   
    }, false);        

    formData.append('file', file);'post', '/admin/ajax/upload-admin-photo');
    request.onloadend = function() {
        var result = request.response;                

Now PHP function that is executing after POST request:

 * @Route("/admin/ajax/upload-admin-photo")
public function ajaxUploadAdminPhotoAction(Request $request)
    $data = $_FILES;

    $response = array("data" => 'cos', 'data1' => 'cos1');
    return new Response(json_encode($response)); 

Console log of variable result: {"data":"cos","data1":"cos1"}

Console log of variable undefined

I really need some help. I was trying everything! :(


  • You need to parse (=decode) the string '{"data":"cos","data1":"cos1"}' to a json first:

    var result = JSON.parse(request.response);
    // now you can access it's params:

    see the manual for more information.