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Merge Observables of UIBarButtonItem tap and UIView tapGesture()

I have two sources for the same action. A regular RxCocoa tap in a UIBarButtonItem:


and a RxGesture tap gesture recognizer in a UIView:


I subscribe to it the usual way:

    .subscribe(onNext: {
        // Do things
    }).disposed(by: disposeBag)

This works with both observables, and now I want to merge it but cannot achieve it. As they are two observables of different events merge does not work.

Observable.of(notConnectedView.rx.tapGesture().when(.recognized), browseButton.rx.tap)

Type 'inout UIView' does not conform to protocol 'ReactiveCompatible'

Is it possible to make this? Thanks.


  • You should get same events type, for example convert both events to void:

    let buttonItemTap = { _ in return () }
    let viewTap: Observable<Void> = v.rx.tapGesture().when(.recognized).map { _ in return () }
    Observable.of(buttonItemTap, viewTap).merge()
        .subscribe(onNext: { (_) in
        }).disposed(by: disposeBag)