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How can i use a controller's method in every web page of the application in cake php 3

I am using AdminLTE theme now i want to add a functionality in header in which i need data from database how can i get this done in cake php 3 . I have done it by calling query and getting data in view but that is violation of mvc. How can i get data from database and use this data in every view.


  • I think You can use Cake's Controller event beforeRender() inside AppController. Using this functionality, You can simply output data for every method in controllers which extends AppController. I use it quite often for this kind of functionalities.

    // src\Controller\AppController.php
    namespace App\Controller;
    use Cake\Controller\Controller;
    use Cake\Event\Event;
    class AppController extends Controller
         * Before render callback.
         * @param \Cake\Event\Event $event The beforeRender event.
         * @return \Cake\Network\Response|null|void
        public function beforeRender(Event $event) {
            $notifications = $this->Notifications->find('all' , [
                    'conditions' => [
                        // get notifications for current user or default demo notification 
                        'user_id' => $this->Auth ? $this->Auth->user('id') : 0

    Then in your templates You have access to $notifications variable

    <div class="list-group">
        <?php if(count($notifications)):foreach($notifications as $item): ?>
            <div class="list-group-item">
                <?= h($item->content) ?>
        <?php endforeach;endif; ?>