Hello Stack Overflow Friends,
We use an email metric API that returns data requested in JSON. What I am attempting to do is convert the JSON to a CSV file in Ruby (which I have been able to successfully do using the json-converter gem). But, obviously JSON returns date/time fields in Epoch which is useless to most people. Therefore, I'm trying to figure out 2 things:
1) How to appropriately convert Epoch into a more human-readable date/time for the CSV file, and
2) Where along the way in my Ruby code do I need to attempt to do this - before the JSON to CSV conversion or after?
Here's the sample code so far:
JSON Response
"data": [
"id": 571823,
"subCommunityId": 2,
"emailName": "Email Name",
"fromName": "John Doe",
"fromAddress": "[email protected]",
"subjectLine": "This is my subject",
"preHeader": "",
"categoryName": "General Communication",
"sentCount": 15678,
"scheduledDateTimestamp": 1504889858000,
"actualSendTimestamp": 1504889858000,
"dateAdded": 1504889859576
"startAt": 0,
"maxResults": 1000,
"total": 1
Ruby Script - JSON to CSV
require 'json_converter'
converter = JsonConverter.new
json = File.read("emailresponse.json")
converter.write_to_csv(json, "emailreporting.csv")
Any thoughts on how best to do this are welcome.
Actually, Ruby already can build CSV.
require 'json'
require 'csv'
json = '{
"data": [
"id": 571823,
"subCommunityId": 2,
"emailName": "Email Name",
"fromName": "John Doe",
"fromAddress": "[email protected]",
"subjectLine": "This is my subject",
"preHeader": "",
"categoryName": "General Communication",
"sentCount": 15678,
"scheduledDateTimestamp": 1504889858000,
"actualSendTimestamp": 1504889858000,
"dateAdded": 1504889859576
"startAt": 0,
"maxResults": 1000,
"total": 1
hash = JSON.parse(json)
CSV.open('emailreporting.csv', 'w') do |csv|
# write headers row
csv << hash['data'].first.keys
# write data rows
hash['data'].each do |data|
data['scheduledDateTimestamp'] = Time.at(data['scheduledDateTimestamp'] / 1000)
data['actualSendTimestamp'] = Time.at(data['actualSendTimestamp'] / 1000)
data['dateAdded'] = Time.at(data['dateAdded'] / 1000)
csv << data.values
Building CSV manually gives some advantages: