Lets say I've created a class MyClass in Pharo Smalltalk...
If I in Workspace write:
MyClass new.
and select print-it (Ctrl-P), I get:
A MyClass
With a bit of tinkering with MyClass's printOn: method, I could get a bit more, for example:
A MyClass with value: 5
So comes my question... How can I make a test (instance of TestCase-class) that checks that the textual-representation of MyObject - what I would get if I did "MyObject new" and Print-It - is what it's supposed to be?
How do I get the textual representation so I can check it against a string-constant with what it should be, when I do a self assert: equal: (or something similar) in my test?
For example that after using my cutomized printOn: method, it will look something like
A MyClass with value: 5
Sorry for such a newbie question, but there goes...
To get the textual representation of an object you can send the message printString
to the object. For example Object new printString
will return you the string 'an Object'
To create a test case you should create a subclass of TestCase
TestCase subclass: #MyClassTestCase
instanceVariableNames: ''
classVariableNames: ''
package: 'MyTest-Package'
Then a test is a method that begins with test
. For example the following test verifies the string representation of Object new
self assert: Object new printString equals: 'an Object'