I am implementing radial layout drawing algorithm, according to the publication of mr.Andy Pavlo link [page 18]
The problem is, that my result contains crossed edges. Which is something that is unacceptable. I found some solution, similiar problem link but I was not able to implement them into this algorithm (I would have to change the whole approach to the solution). In addition, the algorithm by Mr. Andy Pavlo should be able to solve this problem. When we look at the result of its algorithm, there are no crossed edges here. What am I doing wrong? Am I missing something? Thank you in advance.
Mr.Pavlo pseudo code of algorithm
My implementation of algorithm
public void RadialPositions(Tree<string> rootedTree, Node<string> vertex, double alfa, double beta,
List<RadialPoint<string>> outputGraph)
//check if vertex is root of rootedTree
if (vertex.IsRoot)
vertex.Point.X = 0;
vertex.Point.Y = 0;
outputGraph.Add(new RadialPoint<string>
Node = vertex,
Point = new Point
X = 0,
Y = 0
ParentPoint = null
//Depth of vertex starting from 0
int depthOfVertex = vertex.Depth;
double theta = alfa;
double radius = Constants.CircleRadius + (Constants.Delta * depthOfVertex);
//Leaves number in the subtree rooted at v
int leavesNumber = BFS.BreatFirstSearch(vertex);
foreach (var child in vertex.Children)
//Leaves number in the subtree rooted at child
int lambda = BFS.BreatFirstSearch(child);
double mi = theta + ((double)lambda / leavesNumber * (beta - alfa));
double x = radius * Math.Cos((theta + mi) / 2.0);
double y = radius * Math.Sin((theta + mi) / 2.0);
//setting x and y
child.Point.X = x;
child.Point.Y = y;
outputGraph.Add(new RadialPoint<string>
Node = child,
Point = new Point
X = x,
Y = y,
Radius = radius
ParentPoint = vertex.Point
if (child.Children.Count > 0)
child.Point.Y = y;
child.Point.X = x;
RadialPositions(rootedTree, child, theta, mi, outputGraph);
theta = mi;
BFS algorithm for getting leaves
public static int BreatFirstSearch<T>(Node<T> root)
var visited = new List<Node<T>>();
var queue = new Queue<Node<T>>();
int leaves = 0;
while (queue.Count != 0)
var current = queue.Dequeue();
if (current.Children.Count == 0)
foreach (var node in current.Children)
if (!visited.Contains(node))
return leaves;
Initial call
var outputPoints = new List<RadialPoint<string>>();
alg.RadialPositions(tree, tree.Root,0, 360, outputPoints);
and Sin
expect the input angle to be in radians, not degrees. In your initial method call, your upper angle limit (beta
) should be 2 * Math.PI
, not 360
. This will ensure that all the angles you calculate will be in radians and not degrees.