Trying to give mojolicious apps a try but having difficulty running them from the server with hypnotoad.
[user@server public_html]$ hypnotoad -t app/script/app
Everything looks good!
[user@server public_html]$ hypnotoad app/script/app
Can't create listen socket: Address already in use at /usr/local/share/perl5/Mojo/ line 126.
It would appear that everything is in place to be able to start app in hypnotoad but this doesn't work. How would one go about closing whatever is stopping mojolicous from listening on the socket? Or is there a better way to solve this?
With netstat
you can find PID
of process holding 8080 port, and send SIGTERM
to stop it,
netstat -lntp | perl -nE '/:8080/ or next; say and kill(15, $_) for m|(\d+)/|'