I'm trying to use intel-media-sdk decoder for h.264 videos. Here is my code for initializing decoder :
mfxStatus decoder::initDecoder(HWND window, mfxBitstream *Header) {
mfxStatus sts = MFX_ERR_NONE;
mfxVersion ver = { { 0, 1 } };
mfxVideoParam mfxVideoParams;
mfxFrameAllocator mfxAllocator;
mfxFrameAllocResponse mfxResponse;
sts = m_mfxSession.Init(MFX_IMPL_AUTO_ANY, &ver); //sts = MFX_ERR_NONE
if (sts == MFX_ERR_NONE) {
sts = m_mfxSession.SetHandle(MFX_HANDLE_DIRECT3D_DEVICE_MANAGER9,
m_renderer.initD3d(GetIntelDeviceAdapterNum(), window)); //sts = MFX_ERR_NONE
if (sts == MFX_ERR_NONE) {
mfxAllocator.pthis = m_mfxSession;
sts = m_mfxSession.SetFrameAllocator(&mfxAllocator); //sts = MFX_ERR_NONE
if (sts == MFX_ERR_NONE) {
MFXVideoDECODE mfxDEC(m_mfxSession);
m_mfxVideoDecode = mfxDEC;
memset(&mfxVideoParams, 0, sizeof(mfxVideoParams));
mfxVideoParams.mfx.CodecId = MFX_CODEC_AVC;
sts = m_mfxVideoDecode.DecodeHeader(Header, &mfxVideoParams); //sts = MFX_ERR_NONE
if (sts == MFX_ERR_NONE) {
memset(&m_mfxRequest, 0, sizeof(m_mfxRequest));
sts = m_mfxVideoDecode.QueryIOSurf(&mfxVideoParams, &m_mfxRequest); //sts = MFX_ERR_NONE
if (sts == MFX_ERR_NONE) {
sts = m_renderer.allocSurfaces(mfxAllocator.pthis, &m_mfxRequest, &mfxResponse);
if (sts == MFX_ERR_NONE) {
m_pmfxSurfaces = new mfxFrameSurface1 *[m_mfxRequest.NumFrameSuggested];
for (int i = 0; i < m_mfxRequest.NumFrameSuggested; i++) {
m_pmfxSurfaces[i] = new mfxFrameSurface1;
memset(m_pmfxSurfaces[i], 0, sizeof(mfxFrameSurface1));
memcpy(&(m_pmfxSurfaces[i]->Info), &(mfxVideoParams.mfx.FrameInfo), sizeof(mfxFrameInfo));
// MID (memory id) represents one video NV12 surface
m_pmfxSurfaces[i]->Data.MemId = mfxResponse.mids[i];
sts = m_mfxVideoDecode.Init(&mfxVideoParams); //sts = MFX_ERR_MEMORY_ALLOC
return sts;
So as you can see MFXVideoDECODE::Init(mfxVideoParam*)
(which internally calls MFXVideoDECODE_Init
and the strange thing here is in this document it says this function does not have this return value.
Here is some debug information about mfxVideoParams
AllocId = 0, AsyncDepth = 0, IOPattern = 16, mfx.CodecId = 541283905, mfx.CodecProfile = 77, mfx.CodecLevel = 30, vpp.In.FourCC = 842094158, vpp.In.Width = 864, vpp.In.Height = 480, vpp.In.CropW = 854, vpp.In.CropH = 480, vpp.In.BufferSize = 31458144, vpp.In.AspectRatioW = 1, vpp.In.AspectRatioH = 1, vpp.In.PicStruct = 1, vpp.In.ChromaFormat = 1
Here is Some member data definition in header which used here :
MFXVideoSession m_mfxSession;
MFXVideoDECODE m_mfxVideoDecode;
mfxFrameAllocRequest m_mfxRequest;
mfxFrameSurface1** m_pmfxSurfaces;
And Here is some information about my current working device that might relate to this problem:
And finally to reproduce the exact same situation I downloaded video named big_buck_bunny_1080p_h264.mov
from this site and then extracted it with ffmpeg to h264 and used it in my program.
You need to initialize mfxFrameAlocator callback functions (Alloc, Free, GetHDL, ...) with proper functions. for example :
//static member
mfxStatus decoder::gethdl(mfxHDL pthis, mfxMemId mid, mfxHDL* handle)
pthis; // To avoid warning for this unused parameter
if (handle == 0) return MFX_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE;
*handle = mid;
return MFX_ERR_NONE;
mfxStatus decoder::initDecoder(HWND window, mfxBitstream *Header) {
//blah blah
mfxAllocator.pthis = m_mfxSession;
mfxAllocator.GetHDL = gethdl;
//define for these too
//mfxAllocator.Alloc = alloc;
//mfxAllocator.Free = free;
//mfxAllocator.Lock = lock;
//mfxAllocator.Unlock = unlock;
//rest of your code