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Averaging over character arrays in R

I have two character subarrays as follows:

, , 1

    [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
[1,] "5"  "3"  "1"  "1"  "5" 
[2,] "4"  "1"  "1"  "1"  "3" 
[3,] "5"  "5"  "4"  "5"  "1" 
[4,] "5"  "5"  "1"  "3"  "5" 
[5,] "3"  "4"  "1"  "4"  "5" 
[6,] "2"  "5"  "4"  "5"  "2" 
[7,] "2"  "5"  "5"  "4"  "2" 
[8,] "5"  "5"  "2"  "2"  "2" 
[9,] "2"  "5"  "4"  "5"  "4" 
[10,] "2"  "2"  "5"  "2"  "1" 

, , 2

    [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
[1,] "2"  "2"  "2"  "4"  "5" 
[2,] "3"  "1"  "2"  "1"  "4" 
[3,] "5"  "2"  "3"  "4"  "4" 
[4,] "3"  "3"  "4"  "5"  "3" 
[5,] "2"  "1"  "5"  "1"  "3" 
[6,] "5"  "5"  "2"  "5"  "4" 
[7,] "1"  "5"  "1"  "3"  "4" 
[8,] "1"  "5"  "3"  "3"  "5" 
[9,] "4"  "5"  "1"  "1"  "2" 
[10,] "5"  "1"  "2"  "3"  "5" 

Now I have written an R routine to randomly sample a row from ONE of these arrays (either ,,1 or ,,2).

But what I would instead like to do is sample randomly from BOTH subarrays and take the column-wise mean. Can I accomplish this without converting from character to numeric values first?

So, if row 1 is sampled in both ,,1 and ,,2, the columnwise mean (rounded appropriately) would be (not done in R)

  "(5+2)/2", "(3+2)/2", "(1+2)/2", "(1+4)/2", "(5+5)/2"
= "4", "3", "2", "3", "5"

My (partial) routine for the random sampling of a row from ONE array is below. I want to modify it for TWO arrays.

for(k in specs){
    for(j in 1:perms){
        for(i in 1:K){
            ind.index <- sample(specs, size = k, replace = FALSE) 
            hap.plot <- pop[sample(1:nrow(pop), size = 1, replace = TRUE), ind.index, sample(i, size = 1, replace = TRUE)]
            HAC.mat[j, k, i] <- length(unique(hap.plot))

Any assistance is greatly appreciate.

Please let me know if more clarification is required.


  • Test data

    mat <- array(as.character(1:40), c(15, 5, 2))

    Randomly sample from each separately and get the mean.

    n_row <- dim(mat)[1]
    s_rows <- sample(1:n_row, 2, replace = TRUE)
    unlist(lapply(mat[s_rows[1],, 1], as.numeric))/2 + 
      unlist(lapply(mat[s_rows[2],, 2], as.numeric))/2