I come here after after trying in all directions to come out of this problem without any results, unfortunately.
What I have in mind:
I need a class, named Led, that in the constructor simply accept a GPIO pin and offer method for:
What I do:
I have build this class in this way:
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time
import threading
from threading import Thread
class Led(Thread):
def __init__(self, led_pin):
self.pin_stop = threading.Event()
self.__led_pin = led_pin
GPIO.setup(self.__led_pin, GPIO.OUT)
def low(self, pin):
GPIO.setup(pin, GPIO.OUT)
GPIO.output(pin, GPIO.LOW)
def blink(self, time_on=0.050, time_off=1):
pin = threading.Thread(name='ledblink',target=self.__blink_pin, args=(time_on, time_off, self.pin_stop))
def __blink_pin(self, time_on, time_off, pin_stop):
while not pin_stop.is_set():
GPIO.output(self.__led_pin, GPIO.HIGH)
GPIO.output(self.__led_pin, GPIO.LOW)
def __stop(self):
def reset(self):
def off(self):
def on(self):
GPIO.output(self.__led_pin, GPIO.LOW)
GPIO.output(self.__led_pin, GPIO.HIGH)
where the blink method is responsible to indefinitely blink the led until an Off or On method call.
And run this simple code:
from classes.leds import Led
import time
from random import randint
Led16 = Led(16)
def main():
while True:
if (randint(0, 1) == 1):
if __name__ == "__main__":
What happens:
The Led object seem to spawn a new thread every time that a method is called with the effect that GPIO line become shared between multiple threads.
What is my wish:
I want to keep blinking led asynchronous (obviously) and have the control on Led16() object status, maybe without creating new threads each time I cal its method, but at reached this point I am bit confused.
Thank to help me understanding how to reach this goal.
For who need this in the future I have do some little adjustment to the proposed code and seem to work fine as expected.
Again thanks to @barny
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time
import threading
class Led(object):
LED_ON = 1
# the short time sleep to use when the led is on or off to ensure the led responds quickly to changes to blinking
def __init__(self, led_pin):
# create the semaphore used to make thread exit
self.pin_stop = threading.Event()
# the pin for the LED
self.__led_pin = led_pin
# initialise the pin and turn the led off
GPIO.setup(self.__led_pin, GPIO.OUT)
# the mode for the led - off/on/flashing
self.__ledmode = Led.LED_OFF
# make sure the LED is off (this also initialises the times for the thread)
# create the thread, keep a reference to it for when we need to exit
self.__thread = threading.Thread(name='ledblink',target=self.__blink_pin)
# start the thread
def blink(self, time_on=0.050, time_off=1):
# blinking will start at the next first period
# because turning the led on now might look funny because we don't know
# when the next first period will start - the blink routine does all the
# timing so that will 'just work'
self.__ledmode = Led.LED_FLASHING
self.__time_on = time_on
self.__time_off = time_off
def off(self):
self.__ledmode = self.LED_OFF
# set the cycle times short so changes to ledmode are picked up quickly
self.__time_on = Led.FAST_CYCLE
self.__time_off = Led.FAST_CYCLE
# could turn the LED off immediately, might make for a short flicker on if was blinking
def on(self):
self.__ledmode = self.LED_ON
# set the cycle times short so changes to ledmode are picked up quickly
self.__time_on = Led.FAST_CYCLE
self.__time_off = Led.FAST_CYCLE
# could turn the LED on immediately, might make for a short flicker off if was blinking
def reset(self):
# set the semaphore so the thread will exit after sleep has completed
# wait for the thread to exit
# now clean up the GPIO