I am trying to figure out how to use the code stage in Blue Prism. I have been trying various simple code snippets, like "Hello World!" and MessageBox.Show()
in C#. The check code option shows no errors, but there is an error for the object that says missing link. Can the code stage be used with MessageBox.Show()
? Is Blue Prism expecting a link to Decision or Navigate or some other stage?
to run a simple msgbox in BluePrism code stage you need to make sure that three things are present in your Blue Prism object:
The same thing has to be done in standard C# programming - in theory we need to to this line of code:
using System.Windows.Forms;
In BluePrism it's hidden in the options of Box on the page "Initialize", with the name of the process name, date of creation, last changed by.
Double click on the object, and the window should appear with the name "Business Object Properties".
Go to the tab "Code options".
You should see the screen with top part called "External Reference" - add there "System.Windows.Forms.dll"
The second part of the screen is called "Namespace Import" - add there "System.Windows.Forms"
Lastly, on the bottom of the screen you can see a combox, where you can choose a language that will be used in this BP Objects. If you'd like to use C#, then that's something you'll have to choose there.
Please see screen below, as I hope it will help you find the necessary things.