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C# coordinate keyed dictionary

I have a class Room, and a class World. Currently, I have a

    Dictionary<Point, Room> world;

which I store Rooms in like so:

    world.Add(new Point(0,0), new Room());

But when I try to access it, it returns null:

    world.Get(new Point(0,0));

I understand the reason why this is happening. But my question is: Does anybody know a better way of doing this?


  • That should work fine, provided your Point implementation implements GetHashCode and Equals properly.

    For example, the following works perfectly:

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Drawing;
    class Room
        public int X
    struct Program
        static void Main()
            Dictionary<Point, Room> world = new Dictionary<Point, Room>();
            world.Add(new Point(0, 0), new Room() { X = 0 });
            world.Add(new Point(2, 3), new Room() { X = 2 });
            Room room = world[new Point(2, 3)];

    This is using System.Drawing.Point, which implements GetHashCode properly. (It prints "2", as expected.)

    I suspect the problem is your implementation of Point. Make sure it implements Equals and GetHashCode correctly, or (better yet) use a version of Point included in the framework.