Unable to update fields for an issue in Jira-python.
When I look at the raw data in JSON. It is under:
{fields:{'customfield_10000':'some text'}
but when I tried:
All gave me
response text = {"errorMessages":["Internal server error"],"errors":{}}
Tried added +"0000" in Client.py
data['started'] = started.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000%z")+"+0000"
still not fixing the issue.
Please Help~!!
New findings, when I create a new issue
issue= jira.create_issue(fields=root_dict)
and i can edit this issue oject using issue.update with no problem
However, when I get the existing issue using
issue = jira.issue('JRA-123')
editing this issue using issue.update gives me internal error.
You have a typo in the update part customfiled should be customfield