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Mule until-successful to retry only with timeout

I have put together an until-succesfull in Mule 3.7 (see below):

<until-successful maxRetries="100" failureExpression="#[exception != null &amp;&amp; (exception.causedBy( || exception.causedBy( || message.inboundProperties['http.status'] != 500]" synchronous="true" millisBetweenRetries="20000" doc:name="UntilSuccess">


  <set-payload value="#[flowVars.operationPayLoad]" doc:name="GetTransactionRequest" />

  <ws:consumer config-ref="GetTransactionWSConsumerConfig" operation="execute" doc:name="GetTransaction" />

I am only interested in making the until-successful retry if a web service is down or if it times out. No other exception should be retried by the until-successful.

However, I have done a test where I get a but the until-successful keeps trying to call the web service.

How do I tell the until-successful to ignore all exceptions and stop retrying except for when the web service is down or times out?




  • As is specified in the MuleSoft documentation, the Until Successful scope will retry if an exception is found or the failure expression is true. The failure expression doesn't override the default behavior.