I have an html button that when pressed, calls a function that sets a 'display' boolean to true which makes a popup dialog box appear where the user can choose a name from a list of names. Choosing a name sets a 'selectedName' variable to the selected name.
Here's my problem - the same function that I originally call to display the popup dialog needs to do some more processing with the selected name - I would like to do all of this in a single function call. Something like this:
// Called by pressing an HTML button
getSelectedName() {
display = true; // makes dialog popup appear
// Wait for user to select a name and press a 'Confirm' button
// within the dialog popup
// Once the user has selected a name, do something with it
var person: Person;
person.name = selectedName;
The popup dialog has Confirm/Cancel buttons - is there anyway to make the above function wait for the user to click the Confirm button, then continue on in the function?
You can create a promise that resolves once the user clicks confirm, then do any work you need only once that promise is resolved.
// Called by pressing an HTML button
getSelectedName() {
display = true; // makes dialog popup appear
// Create a promise that resolves when button is clicked.
const buttonPromise = new Promise((resolve) => {
const button = document.getElementById("my-confirm-button");
const resolver = () => {
button.removeEventListener("click", resolver);
button.addEventListener("click", resolver);
// Once the user has selected a name, do something with it
buttonPromise.then(() => {
var person: Person;
person.name = selectedName;