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How to talk to TFSOData service from Silverlight 5 application

I'm trying to obtain information from an online TFS server. The endpoint address for the OData service is:

I try and authenticate with this service using basic authentication as per:

     _context = new TFSOData.TFSData(new Uri("", UriKind.Absolute));

                _context.SendingRequest2 += (object sender, SendingRequest2EventArgs e) =>

                    String creds = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, @"{0}\{1}:{2}", "mydomain", "myusername", "mypassword");
                    var bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(creds);
                    var credstring = Convert.ToBase64String(bytes);
                    e.RequestMessage.SetHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + credstring);

Unfortunately I always get an exception returned from the eventArgs of my LoadCompleted Callback when I try and run a query on the Odata service and the query I'm running comes back empty when I know it shouldn't be.

    {System.Security.SecurityException: Security error.}

Am I doing anything wrong security wise? I've tested my alternate credentials for this odata service in the browser and they work fine.

Just to reiterate, I'm doing this in a silverlight 5 project. I've had a similar method working in WPF before using e.requestheaders.add etc., but that's not available to me in Silverlight.


I've also noticed from using Fiddler that it's going to the clientaccesspolicy.xml file and then not continuing on to actually get the data I wanted from the service. Obviously this is the difference between the WPF app and the Silverlight app, however looking at the clientaccesspolicy.xml and crossdomain.xml files I can see that they are both allowing * and so I should be able to access what I want.


  • This was because the server was not setup to allow Cross Origin Resource Sharing.