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Regular Expressions match case replace

How do I make an expression to match some character which get's repeated and followed by some other character.

For example input strings may be like any of the below.




and the expected output should be like below specified . using ragex replace all.


i have tried with these regular expression

xpathJSON.replaceAll("/[~{1,}[']]/", "'")
xpathJSON.replaceAll("/^[~+]&&[']$/", "'")

but no use.

Test code:

public static void main(String[] args) {
    String xpathJSON = "//window[2]//header[@id=\"top\"]/div[1]//a[1]"; // « //window[2]//header[@id=\\\\\'top\\\\\']/div[1]//a[1]

    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        xpathJSON = xpathJSON.replaceAll("\"", "\'");

        // As the windows navigation forward and backward this replace takes place.
        xpathJSON = xpathJSON.replaceAll("\'", "\\\\\'"); // \' to \\'
        System.out.println("\t « "+xpathJSON);

    System.out.println("xapthJSON \n\t"+xpathJSON);

    xpathJSON = xpathJSON.replaceAll("\\\\", "~");
    System.out.println( xpathJSON );
    Pattern p = Pattern.compile
            //("^[~+]&&[']$"); // ^begning +followed By $end {\\\\ - ~ = \}
    Matcher matcher = p.matcher( xpathJSON );

    boolean match = false, find = false;
    if ( matcher.matches() ) match = true;
    if ( matcher.find() )    find  = true; // finds the next expression that matches the pattern.

    int from = 0;
    int count = 0;
    while(matcher.find(from)) {
        from = matcher.start() + 1;

        // another approach is to break when \' index is reached.

    System.out.format("\t Match[%s] Find[%s]\n", match, find);

    System.out.println("regular expression : "+ xpathJSON.replaceAll("/[~{1,}[']]/", "'"));

    while( xpathJSON.contains("~'") ) {
        xpathJSON = xpathJSON.replaceAll("~'", "'");
    System.out.println("Contains Replace : "+ xpathJSON);


  • Here is another one:


    Replace with:


    In Java:

    .replaceAll("([\\\\~]+(['\"]))(.*?)\\1", "$2$3$2")