I have a list with the paths of thousand image stacks (3D numpy arrays) preprocessed and saved as .npy binaries.
Case Study I would like to calculate the mean of all the images and in order to speed the analysis I thought to parallelise the processing.
Approach using dask.delayed
# List with the file names
# I chunk the list of paths in sublists. The number of chunks correspond to
# the number of cores used for the analysis
# Scatter the images sublists to be able to process in parallel
futures = client.scatter(chunked_list)
# Create dask processing graph
output = []
for future in futures:
ImgMean = delayed(partial_image_mean)(future)
ImgMean_all = delayed(sum)(output)
ImgMean_all = ImgMean_all/len(futures)
# Compute the graph
ImgMean = ImgMean_all.compute()
Approach using dask.arrays
modified from Matthew Rocklin blog
imread = delayed(np.load, pure=True) # Lazy version of imread
# Lazily evaluate imread on each path
lazy_values = [imread(img_path) for img_path in flist_img_to_filter]
arrays = [da.from_delayed(lazy_value, dtype=np.uint16,shape=shape) for
lazy_value in lazy_values]
# Stack all small Dask arrays into one
stack = da.stack(arrays, axis=0)
ImgMean = stack.mean(axis=0).compute()
1. In the dask.delayed
approach is it necessary to pre-chunk the list? If I scatter the original list I obtain a future for each element. Is there a way to tell a worker to process the futures it has access to?
2. The dask.arrays
approach is significantly slower and with higher memory usage. Is this a 'bad way' to use dask.arrays?
3. Is there a better way to approach the issue?
In the dask.delayed approach is it necessary to pre-chunk the list? If I scatter the original list I obtain a future for each element. Is there a way to tell a worker to process the futures it has access to?
Simple answer is no, as of Dask version 0.15.4 there is no very robust way to submit a computation on "all of the tasks of a certain type currently present on this worker".
However, you can easily ask the scheduler which keys are present on the scheduler using the who_has
or has_what
client methods.
from dask.distributed import wait
import wait
futures = dask.persist(futures)
The dask.arrays approach is significantly slower and with higher memory usage. Is this a 'bad way' to use dask.arrays?
You might want to play with the split_every=
keyword of the mean
function or else rechunk
your array to group images together (probably similar to what yo do above) before calling mean to play with parallelism/memory tradeoffs.
Is there a better way to approach the issue?
You might also try as_completed and compute running means as data completes. You would have to switch from delayed to futures for this.