In Android SearchView widget that provides a UI. It will search query and submit a request to a search provider.
There are different type of search query Provided by Collections like BinarySearch...
What kind of Search query performed by Android Widget SearchView.?
(BinarySearch Or LinerSearch Or anything else...)
It is up to the app developer to search the data and to provide the results to the search widget. The search widget provides a framework for the app to perform its searches but does not search the data directly. From Creating a Search Interface:
Searching your data
The process of storing and searching your data is unique to your application. You can store and search your data in many ways, but this guide does not show you how to store your data and search it. Storing and searching your data is something you should carefully consider in terms of your needs and your data format.
So you can search your data in the way that makes the most sense for how the data is stored and organized.