I am trying to understand the change detection and template updating in Angular. I am actually a little confused.
I have a button and a simple input field. When the button is clicked I change the input field's value to "test". Then make an async function which returns immediately. Then I wait for around 4 seconds using a for loop (for testing purposes).
this.textContentMain.title = "test"
for(var i=0;i<3999999999;i++){
asyncTestFunction() {
this._contentSalesTextConfigService.get(this.contentSalesTextConfig).subscribe(item => {
this.textContentMain.title = "asynced";
<button (click)="updateField()">Update</button>
<input [ngModel]="textContentMain.title" #titleAccessor="ngModel" name="title" id="title" type="text" >
Here is the flow of execution, This should clear all your doubts
// 1. This function will be called as soon as clicked
this.textContentMain.title = "test" // 2. changes the value
this.asyncTestFunction(); // 3. call async function
for(var i=0;i<3999999999;i++){ // 5. start for loop
// 6. end for loop
asyncTestFunction() {
this._contentSalesTextConfigService.get(this.contentSalesTextConfig) // 4. call the http request
.subscribe(item => {
this.textContentMain.title = "asynced"; // 7. asap response is received and for loop finish its execution this wiil be executed.
Why => 7. asap response is received and for loop finish its execution this wiil be executed. (why it waits for "for loop" to finish)?
For this you have to read event-loop
Watch this the best video which can explain the key thing behind the scene: