I have a stored procedure which returns a string as below.
SET @TempMessage = 'Ok: 1 message in abc table' + char(13) + char(10)
SET @TempMessage = @TempMessage + ' Ok: 1 message in def table' + char(13) + char(10)
SET @TempMessage = @TempMessage + ' Ok: 1 message in ghi table'
SELECT @TempMessage
I want the output in MVC view as below (3 lines)
Ok: 1 message in abc table
Ok: 1 message in def table
Ok: 1 message in ghi table
But the output I am getting is just one line
Ok: 1 message in abc table Ok: 1 message in def table Ok: 1 message in ghi table
In the controller, I tried to replace the string as below
var results = db.storedprocedure().FirstOrDefault()
viewmodel.outputmessage = results.replace(@"\r\n", Environment.NewLine)
but it didn't work.
I have also tried
viewmodel.outputmessage = results.replace(@"\\r\\n", Environment.NewLine)
viewmodel.outputmessage = results.replace("\r\n", Environment.NewLine)
viewmodel.outputmessage = results.replace("\\r\\n", Environment.NewLine)
viewmodel.outputmessage = results.replace(@"\r\n", <br />)
There are similar posts like this, but none of the solutions in there do not seem to work out.
What can I try next?
In HTML all newlines are treated as whitespace. To make them visible as line breaks you need to find the newlines, and in their place render a <br />
tag, like in the following example View code:
var str = "--1--/r/n--2--/r/n--3--";
var lines = str.Split(new[] { "/r/n" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
foreach (var line in lines)
@(line)<br />