I need get the jobId from inside of executing batchlet. Already, I'm able to get the jobId from the class that I am lanching the Batchlet, but not from inside of Batchlet.
long jobId = job.start("BatchletName", parm);
This sentence launch the Batchlet "BatchletName". Now, I need to get the jobId value from inside de class BatchletName.java:
public class BatchletName extends AbstractBatchlet {
public String process() throws Exception {
// I need jobId here
return "";
Thank you in advance.
You can inject javax.batch.runtime.context.JobContext
into your batchlet class, then call JobContext.getJobName() to get the job id.
import javax.batch.runtime.context.JobContext;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import javax.inject.Named;
public class BatchletName extends AbstractBatchlet {
JobContext jobContext;
public String process() throws Exception {
// I need jobId here
String jobId = jobContext.getJobName();
return "";