I'm adding a indexedDB in my Vue + Laravel application, here's the code that I'm currently using:
export default {
mixins: [VueGoogleMap.MapElementMixin],
created() {
this.eventBus.$on("refresh-map", () => {
const getAllBuildings = () => Vue.http.get("/sandbox/buildings");
getAllBuildings().then((result) => {
const async = Dexie.async;
const spawn = Dexie.spawn;
const db = new Dexie("buildings");
buildings: `++dexie_id, id, name, address, city, nr_units, lat, long, purchased`,
db.transaction("rw", db.buildings, function* () {
result.body.forEach(function*(el) {
const a = yield db.buildings.add({
id: el.id,
name: el.name,
address: el.address,
city: el.city,
nr_units: el.nr_units,
lat: el.lat,
long: el.long,
purchased: el.purchased,
}).catch(function(err) {
// Catch any error event or exception and log it:
console.error(err.stack || err);
As you can see, I'm querying the DB in order to transfer all the buildings in the indexedDB, in order to parse them faster (I need to display them in a map..). The problem is that when I run this code I get the following error:
CanvasOverlay.vue?e208:68 Error: Failed to execute 'transaction' on 'IDBDatabase': One of the specified object stores was not found.
at Transaction.create (dexie.es.js?f8d5:2900)
at eval (dexie.es.js?f8d5:2222)
at eval (dexie.es.js?f8d5:1343)
at callListener (dexie.es.js?f8d5:1026)
at endMicroTickScope (dexie.es.js?f8d5:1113)
at IDBOpenDBRequest.eval (dexie.es.js?f8d5:1180)
The only package I have installed is Dexie:
npm install --save dexie
Do I need to install something more or it might be a Webpack problem?
Try to delete the database and re-run the code. This issue is quite common and happens when a same version (1) is updated without incrementing version number according to these docs.
Also, I see another error - you cannot use function* from a forEach() call. Instead use:
for (let el of result.body) {
or even better:
const itemsToAdd = result.body.map(el => ({
id: el.id,
name: el.name,
address: el.address,
city: el.city,
nr_units: el.nr_units,
lat: el.lat,
long: el.long,
purchased: el.purchased,
return db.buildings.bulkAdd(itemsToAdd);