Please consider the following function, even if the implementation is not that relevant:
vectTranspose : Vect n (Fin 3) -> Vect 3 (List (Fin n))
vectTranspose {n = Z} [] = [[],[],[]]
vectTranspose {n = (S len)} (x :: xs) with (natToFin len (S len))
| Just l = let
previous = map (map weaken) (vectTranspose xs)
in updateAt x (l ::) previous
if I try to compute vectTranspose
in the REPL, I get [[],[],[]]
as expected.
Still, if I add an equality assertion like the following in my code
emptyTest : vectTranspose [] = [[],[],[]]
emptyTest = Refl
then I get a compile error:
When checking right hand side of emptyTest with expected type
vectTranspose [] = [[], [], []]
Type mismatch between
[[], [], []] = [[], [], []] (Type of Refl)
vectTranspose [] = [[], [], []] (Expected type)
Type mismatch between
[[], [], []]
vectTranspose []
Am I missing something? Should I specify somehow the type of [[],[],[]]
in the assertion?
The fact that idris complains about the type of
Type mismatch between
[[], [], []]
vectTranspose []
indicates that vectTranspose
is still in the type and has not been resolved. That is the case if vectTranspose is not total and indeed it is not:
VecTest.vectTranspose is possibly not total due to:
with block in VecTest.vectTranspose, which is not total as there are missing cases
which happens because you have not covered all the Maybe
A simple solution could be to create a small helper function:
natToFin': (n: Nat) -> Fin (S n)
natToFin' Z = FZ
natToFin' (S k) = FS (natToFin' k)
vectTranspose : Vect n (Fin 3) -> Vect 3 (List (Fin n))
vectTranspose {n = Z} [] = [[], [], []]
vectTranspose {n = (S len)} (x :: xs) with (natToFin' len)
vectTranspose {n = (S len)} (x :: xs) | l = let
previous = map (map weaken) (vectTranspose xs)
in updateAt x (l ::) previous