Will thingsboard connect to a remote OPC-DA server? If so how do you configure the opc-config.json to connect to an IBA?
> { "servers": [
> {
> "applicationName": "",
> "applicationUri": "",
> "host": "10.x.x.x.",
> "port": 135,
> "scanPeriodInSeconds": 10,
> "timeoutInMillis": 5000,
> "security": "None",
> "identity": {
> "type": "username",
> "username": "me",
> "password": "me password"
> },
> "mapping": [
> {
> "deviceNodePattern": "Channel1\\.Device\\d+$",
> "deviceNamePattern": "Device ${_System._DeviceId}",
> "attributes": [
> {"key":"Tag1", "type": "string", "value": "${Tag1}"}
> ],
> "timeseries": [
> {"key":"Tag2", "type": "long", "value": "${Tag2}"}
> ]
> }
> ]
> } ] }
I've tried several different inputs in the config but the gateway is not sending back any values
This is the error i see in the log:
me@thingsboard:/etc/tb-gateway/conf$ cat /var/log/tb-gateway/tb-gateway.log | grep ERROR 2017-10-25 13:42:00,900 [main] ERROR o.t.gateway.util.ConfigurationTools - Failed to load class org.thingsboard.gateway.extensions.opc.conf.OpcUaConfiguration configuration from opc-config.json 2017-10-25 13:42:00,902 [main] ERROR o.t.g.e.opc.DefaultOpcUaService - OPC-UA service configuration failed! 2017-10-25 13:42:00,929 [main] ERROR o.s.boot.SpringApplication - Application startup failed
The OPC-DA is not supported at the moment. ThingsBoard supports newer version of the protocol - OPC-UA. At the moment there is no plan to support the OPC-DA in our roadmap, but, since this is open-source project, feel free to contribute.