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Display loop over PHP/MySQL query in array

I'm learning PHP in order to develop some modules into my software Dolibarr and I would like to know How I can loop over my query result and display each row in my array.

This is my script :

 * View

$query = "SELECT u.lastname as nom, u.firstname as prenom, u.datelastlogin as lastlogin";
$query.= " FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."user as u";
$query.= " ORDER BY lastlogin DESC LIMIT 2";

$resql = $db ->query($query);
$num = $db->fetch_row($resql);

print '<table class="noborder" width="100%">';
print '<tr class="liste_titre"><th colspan="2">'.$langs->trans("Affichage des 2 dernières connexions").'</th></tr>';
if (! empty($conf->user->enabled))
        $LastLogin = '<tr class="oddeven">';
        $LastLogin.= '<td><a href="index.php">'.$langs->trans("Utilisateur").'</a></td><td align="right">'.$num[0]." ".$num[1]." ".$num[2].'</td>';
        $LastLogin.= "</tr>";

print $LastLogin;
print '</table>';

enter image description here

Up to now, I return only the first row from my query. I have never programmed in PHP before and I would like to know How I can display each line from my query into my array ?

I have to change fetch_row to fetch_array ?

Or, maybe better, split my array in 3 columns (column name, column firstname, column datelastlogin)

Something like this :

enter image description here

I don't really understand how I can do that.

Thank you for your help


I edited my script :

$query = "SELECT u.lastname as nom, u.firstname as prenom, u.datelastlogin as lastlogin";
$query.= " FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."user as u";
$query.= " ORDER BY lastlogin DESC LIMIT 2";

$resql = $db ->query($query);
//$num = $db->fetch_array($resql);
while($num = $resql->fetch_assoc())
    $nums[] = $num;

print '<table class="noborder" width="100%">';
print '<tr class="liste_titre"><th colspan="2">'.$langs->trans("Dernières connexions").'</th></tr>';
if (! empty($conf->user->enabled))
    foreach($nums as $num)
        $LastLogin = '<tr class="oddeven">';
        $LastLogin.= '<td><a href="index.php">'.$num['nom'].'</a></td><td>'.$num['prenom'].'</td><td>'.$num['lastlogin'].'</td>';
        $LastLogin.= "</tr>";
print $LastLogin;
print '</table>';

But the array is not well-displayed :

enter image description here


  • Helloo again :)

    First of all I have to say that your error has nothing to do with the fact that you're new to PHP - but I think you're missing some basics in programming, because phyton works the same way for this scenario.

    Lets look at your code:

    if (! empty($conf->user->enabled))
        foreach($nums as $num)
            $LastLogin = '<tr class="oddeven">';
            $LastLogin.= '<td><a href="index.php">'.$num['nom'].'</a></td><td>'.$num['prenom'].'</td><td>'.$num['lastlogin'].'</td>';
            $LastLogin.= "</tr>";
    print $LastLogin;

    The problem here is that you overwrite $LastLogin all the time. That would work the same way in phyton. So you actually have two choices:

    1. Place the print inside the forloop.
    2. Output the result directly inside the loop.

    I won't do an example for 1 since its only placing print $LastLogin inside the foreach loop - you don't need an example for that.

    What I'll show you here bellow is the Code how I would write it in your case:

    $query = "SELECT u.lastname as nom, u.firstname as prenom, u.datelastlogin as lastlogin";
    $query.= " FROM ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."user as u";
    $query.= " ORDER BY lastlogin DESC LIMIT 2";
    $resql = $db ->query($query);
    //$num = $db->fetch_array($resql);
    print '<table class="noborder" width="100%">';
    print '<tr class="liste_titre"><th colspan="2">'.$langs->trans("Dernières connexions").'</th></tr>';
    if (! empty($conf->user->enabled)) {
        while($num = $resql->fetch_assoc()) {
            print '<tr class="oddeven">';
            print '<td><a href="index.php">'.$num['nom'].'</a></td><td>'.$num['prenom'].'</td><td>'.$num['lastlogin'].'</td>';
            print '</tr>';
    print '</table>';

    There's actually no need to save all your results into a var and append all the time to it. Simply print the results directly, there's nothing that hold you back. For sure we could alk now about separating logic & views - but in this case there's not really a need for it.

    Hope it helped :)