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Find first div with class use simple HTML DOM

I'm using simple html dom to get data from a website.

My problem is when i find a div with a specify class it return all the div tag which have that class. I'm want content in the first div with that class only.

My code is like this

$html = file_get_html('myurl');
$e = $html->find("div[class=myclass]",0);
echo $e->plaintext; 

How can i get the first div with myclass only. Sorry for my bad English


  • Try this alternative method,

    $e = $html->find("div[class=myclass]");
    echo $e[0]->plaintext;

    However I think, it should also work with $html->find("div[class=myclass]",0); it could be because you are using old version of simple_html_dom

    For me, I only had to change $html = file_get_html(myurl); to $html = str_get_html(file_get_contents(myurl)); for my version of simple_html_dom with php 7