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I get a Blank screen when using Windows IoT Remote Client

My Setup:

Windows 10 VM running in VirtualBox on Windows 7 Pro

Raspberry Pi 3 running Windows 10 IoT Core - 10.0.16299.19

The VM can see the RaspberryPi/Wionows IoT

I know this because:

  • On the VMI I can Install and Debug from Visual Studio 2017 to the Pi.
  • On the VM the IoT Dashboard detects the PI and allows me to change settings
  • On the VM I can access the Pi's Device Portal
  • On the VM I can use Powershell to log in to the Pi.

What I can't do is use Windows IoT Remote Client. Which I want so I can see changes produced by my code.

When I start the client I get the spinning buffer animation followed by a blank, white screen.

I have tried the following as recommended in web articles:

  • Reset the Pi resolution to 800x600 - This killed the Pi's ability to display at all; including on the attached HDMI.
  • Checked Enable Windows IoT Remote Server in Device Portal. - This is set to On
  • Disconnected the HDMI from the Pi - Made no difference.
  • Typed the following into an Admin level PowerShell:

    net start WinRM

    Set-Item WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts -Value PiName

    This allowed Powershell access but no change to Remote Desktop

What should I try next?


  • On version 16299,the Windows IoT Remote client does not work for Raspberry Pi. Please reference the know issue of release notes for Windows 10 IoT 16299.Currently you can attach a monitor for local display.