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Hexo server not working

I'm installing Hexo blog.

After run npm install hexo-server --save,I run Hexo server ,and then I received"Usage: hexo

Commands: help Get help on a command. init Create a new Hexo folder. version Display version information.

Global Options: --config Specify config file instead of using _config.yml --cwd Specify the CWD --debug Display all verbose messages in the terminal --draft Display draft posts --safe Disable all plugins and scripts --silent Hide output on console

For more help, you can use 'hexo help [command]' for the detailed information or you can check the docs: "

I have checked the package.json there has "hexo-server": "^0.2.2" in "dependencies" and there are no Plugins in _config.yml

Anybody knows where is the problem?


  • If you haven't done anything else than just installed Hexo as you described, then you don't have the needed Hexo folders around. Run hexo init first to create needed assets.

    Documentation here.