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How to use tab to move in a list of fields in Red language

This is similar to my earlier question ( Using TAB to move between fields in Red language ). Since I have many fields, I want to use a list of fields. However, following code is not working:

Red []

view [
    text "Value of x:"  f1: field "" on-key [handle-key event] return
    text "Value of y:"  f2: field "" on-key [handle-key event] return
    text "Third: " f3:  field "" on-key [handle-key event] return
    text "Fourth:" f4:  field "" on-key [handle-key event] return
    text "Read Sum:"    tt: text ""  on-key [handle-key event] return
        fldlist: [f1 f2 f3 f4]
        focusnum: 1
        maxfocusnum: length? fldlist
        handle-key: function [e] [
            print rejoin ["focusnum = " focusnum]   ; OUTPUT: "focusnum = none"
            k: e/key
            if k = tab [
                either e/shift? 
                    [   focusnum: focusnum - 1
                        if focusnum < 1 [focusnum: maxfocusnum]
                        win/selected: fldlist/:focusnum]
                    [   focusnum: focusnum + 1
                        if focusnum > maxfocusnum [focusnum: 1]
                        win/selected: fldlist/:focusnum]
                        ] ] ]

    button "Calculate" [
        tt/text: to-string ((to-integer f1/text) + (to-integer f2/text))      
    button "Quit" [quit]  
    do [win: self win/selected: f1]

The focusnum is given out as none. Where is the problem and how can this be solved.


  • Two modifications make your script working

    fldlist: [f1 f2 f3 f4] -> fldlist: reduce [f1 f2 f3 f4

    You need the 'faces' and not the words pointing to the faces.

    handle-key: function [e] [ 


     handle-key: func [e] [
         focusnum: index? find fldlist win/selected

    function makes automatically all set-words local. Therefore the local focusnum is not initialized with a value, but the global focusnum has still the start value . Finding the focusnum dynamically should cure the 'disturbance'. Probably there are more efficent ways to do so.

    And here an almost final version with proper formatting

    view [
        text "Value of x:"  f1: field "" on-key [handle-key event]  on-focus [handle-focus face event] return
        text "Value of y:"  f2: field "" on-key [handle-key event] on-focus [handle-focus face event] return
        text "Third: " f3:  field "" on-key [handle-key event] on-focus [handle-focus face event] return
        text "Fourth:" f4:  field "" on-key [handle-key event] on-focus [handle-focus face event] return
        text "Read Sum:"    tt: text ""  on-key [handle-key event] return
            fldlist:  reduce [f1 f2 f3 f4]
            focusnum: 1
            maxfocusnum: length? fldlist
            handle-key: func [e] [
                print rejoin ["focusnum = " focusnum]  
                k: e/key
                if k = tab [
                    either e/shift?   [   
                        focusnum: focusnum - 1
                        if focusnum < 1 [focusnum: maxfocusnum]
                        set-focus  fldlist/:focusnum
                    ] [   
                        focusnum: focusnum + 1
                        if focusnum > maxfocusnum [focusnum: 1]
                        set-focus  fldlist/:focusnum
            handle-focus: func [f e] [ probe focusnum: index? find fldlist f]
        button "Calculate" [
            tt/data:  f1/data + f2/data      
        button "Quit" [quit]  
        do [win: self win/selected: f1]