How do I get the mappings I have defined in application.cfc to work in other functions in other cfcs?
i.e. this.mappings["plugins"] works just fine on any page but if I try to instantiate a cfc containing a function that calls this.mappings["plugins"] - it fails.
EDIT: I'm not sure - here's what I am trying to do: In application.cfc:
this.mappings["Plugins"] = \
and in stock.cfc:
<cfcomponent output="yes" >
<cffunction name="showIndecies" access="public" output="yes" returntype="string">
j = 1;
variables.indeciesArray = ArrayNew(1);
variables.indeciesFile = \
I think you are calling the mapping wrong. Using your definition in application.cfc:
Would then be referenced in other code by "plugins" so:
var aName = new plugins.theCFC()
var aName = createObject("component","plugins.theCFC").init()
<cfinclude template="/plugins/aFile.cfm">
HTH, if not post your code on the calling page.