I have been trying to make letter holes on a polygon cylinder. I have made the letter through Text option. I set the height a bit bigger than the height of the cylinder.
Then, using the Boolean Operation I tried to remove the letter from the cylinder, in order to make the hole. Both objects, cylinder and letter disappeared, although the letter should only be disappeared.
This video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nc50WFjyynQ shows what I am trying to do, but instead of removing the object, I am trying to remove the 3D Text(which I made with Bevel option).
Any advice will be helpful.
Thank you
Well you can use a trial version of Rhino, and you'll get a model as you expect with the booleans.
On the other hand, using booleans for modeling is not a good practice, you can still use Maya and make either bump maps
or displacement maps
See this video and this