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How to replace x-axis in a Matlab figure?

What commands do I need to shift the x-axis values in an open Matlab figure without affecting the y-axis values? (as is shown in the images below)

My best guess so far is:

LineH = get(gca, 'Children');
x = get(LineH, 'XData');
y = get(LineH, 'YData');


nx = numel(x);
for i=1:nx
    x_shifted{i} = x{i} + offset;


Which gives me the error:

Error using
While setting the 'XData' property of Line:
Value must be a vector of numeric type


non_shifted_axis shifted_axis


  • You have to encapsulate the 'XData' property name in a cell to update multiple plot objects at a time. From the set documentation:

    set(H,NameArray,ValueArray) specifies multiple property values using the cell arrays NameArray and ValueArray. To set n property values on each of m graphics objects, specify ValueArray as an m-by-n cell array, where m = length(H) and n is equal to the number of property names contained in NameArray.

    So to fix your error, you just have to change the last line to this:

    set(LineH, {'XData'}, x_shifted');

    And if you're interested, here's a solution that uses cellfun instead of a loop:

    hLines = get(gca, 'Children');
    xData = get(hLines, 'XData');
    offset = 20;
    set(hLines, {'XData'}, cellfun(@(c) {c+offset}, xData));