I'm trying to define some variadic template like that:
typedef const char CCTYPE[];
template<CCTYPE X, CCTYPE... P> struct StringConcat { ... };
so that I could write sth like:
char foo[] = "foo"; char bar[] = "bar";
std::cout << StringConcat<foo, bar>;
and it printed foobar
How can I do this, if it's possible in C++0x?
my real interest is to solve FizzBuzz problem using c++ templates, I found a solution here to convert an int to char[] using templates.
#include <boost/mpl/string.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/insert_range.hpp>
#include <boost/mpl/end.hpp>
#include <iostream>
using namespace boost;
template < typename Str1, typename Str2 >
struct concat : mpl::insert_range<Str1, typename mpl::end<Str1>::type, Str2> {};
int main()
typedef mpl::string<'hell', 'o'> str1;
typedef mpl::string<' wor', 'ld!'> str2;
typedef concat<str1,str2>::type str;
std::cout << mpl::c_str<str>::value << std::endl;
Using that construct you should be able to implement your FizzBuzz in pure metaprogramming. Nice exercise BTW.