Is there a way to test/mock sarama-cluster's NewConsumer function without having actual brokers set up? What am I missing here?
Code I'm trying to test:
import cluster ""
func initSaramaConsumer() (*cluster.Consumer, error) {
brokers := []string{"some_url:port"}
groups := "some_group"
topics := []string{"some_topic"}
config := cluster.NewConfig()
saramaConsumer, err := cluster.NewConsumer(
brokers, groups, topics, config,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return saramaConsumer, nil
Don't call cluster.NewConsumer, but add a simple indirection that you can swap out in tests. For instance, assign the function to a package variable (I do this with time.Now all the time).
package main
import (
var newConsumer = cluster.NewConsumer // replaceable in tests
func initSaramaConsumer() (*cluster.Consumer, error) {
brokers := []string{"some_url:port"}
groups := "some_group"
topics := []string{"some_topic"}
config := cluster.NewConfig()
saramaConsumer, err := newConsumer(
brokers, groups, topics, config,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return saramaConsumer, nil
func TestInitSaramaConsumer(t *testing.T) {
newConsumer = newMockConsumer
defer func() { newConsumer = cluster.NewConsumer }()
// Tests for initSaramaConsumer goes here
func newMockConsumer([]string, string, []string, *cluster.Config) (*cluster.Consumer, error) {
panic("not implemented")