Search code examples

Get item by id in Room

I'm using Room + LiveData in my Android project. Following to Google Blueprints, I've implemented data layer of my application.

This is how my Dao looks like:

@Query("SELECT * FROM events WHERE id=:arg0")
    fun loadSingle(id: String): LiveData<Event>

I'm calling it from my EventRepository:

fun loadSingle(eventId: String): LiveData<RequestReader<Event>> {
        return object: NetworkManager<Event, Event>(appExecutors!!) {

            override fun loadLocal(): LiveData<Event> {
                val item = eventLocal!!.loadSingle("Title 1")
                Crashlytics.log(Log.VERBOSE, TAG, "loadFromServer::loadLocal=$item")
                return item

            override fun isUpdateForced(data: Event?): Boolean {
                Crashlytics.log(Log.VERBOSE, TAG, "loadFromServer::isUpdateForced")
                return data == null || requestTimeout.isAllowed(UNDEFINED_KEY.toString())

            override fun makeRequest(): LiveData<ApiResponse<Event>> {
                Crashlytics.log(Log.VERBOSE, TAG, "loadFromServer::makeRequest")
                return Database.createService(

            override fun onSuccess(item: Event) {

            override fun onFail() {
                Crashlytics.log(Log.VERBOSE, TAG, "loadFromServer::onFail")


Where NetworkManager class is (has been "taken" from here):

    abstract class NetworkManager<ResultType, RequestType> @MainThread constructor(val appExecutors: AppExecutors) {

        companion object {
            private val TAG = "TAG_NETWORK_MANAGER"

        val liveData: MediatorLiveData<RequestReader<ResultType>> = MediatorLiveData()

        init {
            liveData.value = RequestReader.loading(null)
            val localSource: LiveData<ResultType> = loadLocal()
            Log.d(TAG, "before add::localSource=${localSource.value}")
            liveData.addSource(localSource, { data ->
                Log.d(TAG, "data=$data")
                if (isUpdateForced(data)) {
                } else {
                    liveData.addSource(localSource, { reusedData -> liveData.value = RequestReader.success(reusedData)})

        private fun loadRemote(localSource: LiveData<ResultType>) {
            val remoteSource = makeRequest()
            liveData.addSource(localSource, {
                liveData.value = RequestReader.success(it)
            liveData.addSource(remoteSource) { response ->
                if (response!!.isSuccessful) {
                    appExecutors.diskIO.execute {
                        appExecutors.mainThread.execute {
                            liveData.addSource(localSource, {
                                liveData.value = RequestReader.success(it)
                } else {
                    liveData.addSource(localSource, {
                        liveData.value = RequestReader.error("Error: ${response.errorMessage}", it)


        protected abstract fun loadLocal(): LiveData<ResultType>

        protected abstract fun isUpdateForced(data: ResultType?): Boolean

        protected abstract fun makeRequest(): LiveData<ApiResponse<RequestType>>

        protected abstract fun onSuccess(item: RequestType)

        protected abstract fun onFail()

        protected fun processResponse(response: ApiResponse<RequestType>): RequestType {
        return response.body!!

And after i expect to get my LiveData in ViewModel:

open class EventSingleViewModel: ViewModel(), RepositoryComponent.Injectable {

    companion object {
        private val TAG = "TAG_EVENT_SINGLE_VIEW_MODEL"

    @Inject lateinit var eventRepository: EventRepository

    var eventSingle: LiveData<RequestReader<Event>>? = null

    override fun inject(repositoryComponent: RepositoryComponent) {
        eventSingle = MutableLiveData<RequestReader<Event>>()

    fun load(eventId: String) {
        Crashlytics.log(Log.VERBOSE, TAG, "starts to loadList::eventId=$eventId")
        eventSingle = eventRepository.loadSingle(eventId)


The problem. I'm getting a list of events the same way (it works!) I've described above, but with a single event (this event is already in database) it doesn't work. I've found out that localSource.value is null (in NetworkManager). Maybe my query is bad or.. something else.


  • Check again your DAO implementation, the argument must be the same in both, the function parameter and the annotation arg.

    Change this:

    @Query("SELECT * FROM events WHERE id=:arg0")
    fun loadSingle(id: String): LiveData<Event>


    @Query("SELECT * FROM events WHERE id=:id ")
    fun loadSingle(id: String): LiveData<Event>