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How to get an array of fe_groups in TYPO3?

I'm pretty new to TYPO3 and many things are confusing at the moment, especially how the data modeling and data fetching actually works if you're relying on ExtBase.

Thing I want to achive is to get an array of records from the fe_groups table and pass it into my Fluid view and render those items in input field.

So far, I've tried nothing since I have no idea from where and how to start it.

Other thing I've did successfully is to pass a hard coded array of object items into my view, and rendered them successfully, like this:

    id="taskTypes" />

This is the method in my Controller which fills the taskTypes array:

private function getTaskTypes() {
    $task_type_names = [
        ' - Task Types - ',
        'New client',
    $task_types = [];

    foreach($task_type_names as $i => $task_type_name) {
        $task_type = new \stdClass();
        $task_type->key = $i;
        $task_type->value = $task_type_name;

        $task_types[] = $task_type;

    return $task_types;

And then a simple view assignment in controller's action:

$this->view->assign('taskTypes', $this->getTaskTypes());

And this works like a charm!

But I'm clueless how to do something similar with dynamic content fetched from the database tables.

So, basically, I just need a way to pass items from fe_groups table to my view and render them.


  • You'll have to inject the Repository for FrontenduserGroups from Extbase

     * @var \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Repository\FrontendUserGroupRepository
     * @inject
    protected $feUserGroupRepository;

    in your method you can then use this Repository to get the data from the database

    $feUserGroup = $this->feUserGroupRepository->findAll();
    $userByUid = $this->feUserGroupRepository->findByUid(12);

    The repository also provides more ->findBy* methods. Here is a cheatsheet that might help you


    • the @inject in the doc comment is actually parsed by Extbase and loads the class that is refered in @var
    • the storagePid needs to be set to the UID of the folder that contains the usergroups in the backend